
1 John: Living in the Light is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Expository Pulpit Series provides 14 volumes of chapter-by-chapter alliterated commentary that will help your preaching and teaching become more effective and memorable. The volumes in this series are written with the preacher in mind. The author of this series, Dr. Glen Spencer, has been an expository preacher for 31 years and currently serves as pastor of the Vernon Baptist Church in...

heard Him. He is the one we have seen with our eyes. We have looked upon Him. Our hands have handled Him.” The Gnostics denied the humanity of Christ, but John knew better. John had seen the Lord Jesus Christ with his own eyes. He had heard Him speak. He had even touched Him. The word “Gnostic” is derived from the Greek word gnosis and means “knowledge.” The Gnostics refused to accept the fact that in Jesus Christ, God had manifested Himself in human form. They had much knowledge but no salvation.
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